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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a safe and effective whole-body treatment that is applied to the neurological system of the body.  Using a combination of fast light adjustments to the bones, muscles, and joints, it enables the body to move in a pain free and fluid way. Chiropractic techniques are used in conjunction with soft tissue myofascial release and neuromuscular release.

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Why pain can leave a lasting imprint on the body

Pain can manifest in the body even after the physical healing process is complete due to a variety of factors.
One possible reason is that the nervous system may still be sensitized, even after the injury or illness has healed. This means that the nerves may still be transmitting pain signals to the brain even though there is no longer any physical damage.

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Marathon Tapering

Preparing for a marathon is a rigorous process that requires months of dedicated training, discipline, and perseverance. As race day approaches, runners often enter a phase known as tapering …

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A Common Challenge: Non-Specific Lower Back Pain (NS LBP)

In this article, we’ll embark on a journey through the world of non-specific lower back pain, intertwining personal experiences, exploring risk factors, and offering self-management wisdom. We’ll also unveil how physiotherapy can transform this chronic discomfort into a story of triumph.

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Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is a common ankle condition that affects the strong band of tissue connecting the calf muscle to the heel bone … what is it, what can you do to self manage and what can we offer to help you?

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It is important to maintain good hydration levels – drink enough and keep an eye on your pee.

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